Student Database System in Maharashtra : In Maharashtra there are About 2.25 crore students are studying in all the schools. For the purpose of various schemes of student the Government needed Student Database by the School Education Department. While implementing, it is very difficult to collect information of students from the schools all over Maharashtra State. And this costs a long time to prepare the information and send it. So, The Government developed Student Database System website. The main Motto of this website is to save time and to provide quality education to students. The system can effectively implement the schemes of student beneficiaries. Through this system, the student information will be available on a single click. The website of this Student Database system is
How School Submit Student database in this Student Portal?
First of all the Education Department, Govt. of Maharashtra provided the Username and password to Each and Every school in Maharashtra State. The username is the UDISE code of that school. After login in to website, The Headmaster or The other responsible person of school submitted the detail of the Student like Name of Student, Father's Name, Mother's Name, Date of Birth, AADHAR Number etc in this Student Database portal.
Ministry of Human Resource Development had asked all states to share their data so that genuine information of all students is available, and the children are able to avail benefits from the government. It will also help the government keep a tab on the dropouts.
The data for students from Class 1 to 12, which includes their basic information like date of birth, school enrollment number has been collected by various states and shared with the central government.
According to sources, the government is planning to finish the job of data collection as soon as possible and is also taking the help of NEUPA and have organized camps at district levels. As per the nominations of last year, the government needs to collect information about 25 crore children.