School Education Maharashtra

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Today I going to tell you every information related to education maharashtra and The official website of education maharashtra is In this website you can see every information about School Education Maharashtra.

Organogram of School education and Sports Department, Maharashtra State, Pune

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Help Line support. 18002330700
Help Line support. 18002330800
Timing: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM (Only Working Day's)

Facilities for Special Students in

Children with Special Needs

Equity - Children with Special Needs under SSA

The key objective of SSA and the subsequent RTE act is Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) viz. Access, Enrolment & Retention of all children. The RTE Act has given a new thrust to the education of Children with Special Needs (CWSN), as without their inclusion in regular school objective of universalization of education will not achieved Therefore Inclusive Education is one of the important component under SSA. The State has taken initiative specially focus on Child Centre coverage plan of CWSN to reach services every door step through multi option model.

While implementing the intervention, activities has been taken like, Identification of CWSN, Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation Support Services, Educational Support Services etc. and strives for ensuring Quality education to CWSN in inclusive setup with non-disabled peer group, to make them socially integrate.

* Identification of CWSN:

Primary stage identification of CWSN done with the help of experts from rehabilitation field.

* Medical assessment Camp:

The Medical assessment camps are organized through NRHM, PHC camps, Block, civil hospitals, Medical Colleges, medical trusts and educational rehabilitation institutions of Maharashtra. The expert team assesses and recommends various support services to the identify CWSN according to disabilities in the camp. The educational, vocational and other rehabilitation options are also being decided at the camp.

* Corrective Surgery:

Those CWSN having problem in Muscles, Joint deformities & contractures Tongue tie & cleft Palate, Squint were referred for surgery from block level camp. As per line of treatment 34000 corrective surgeries have been done.

* Transition from Home base to regular school: 

During educational assessment & field visit state were identified the needs of the children with special need to occupy in regular school with the help of care giver. As soon as semi resource room develop for activities of daily leaving & development of sensory motor & communication at CRC level.

* Capacity Building through Multi Category Training:

There has been a substantial expansion of variety of activities for bringing the children in Elementary Education & transit forms home to school & school to class. As well as there were remains a lot challenges of providing quality education. The challenge has different dimensions like effective onsite support, evaluation process and availability of existing infrastructure, right kind of learning materials how to be used for students, in stipulated time.

Inclusive Education of the Disable at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) under RMSA (

The Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) was launched during 2009-10 and replaces the earlier scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC). The aim of this scheme is to enable all students with disabilities to pursue four years of secondary education in an inclusive and enabling environment, after completing eight years of elementary schooling.

The scheme covers all children studying in classes IX to XII in Government, local body and Government-aided schools, with one or more disabilities as defined under the Persons with Disabilities Act (1995) and the National Trust Act (1999). The type of disabilities range from blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation, mental illness, autism and cerebral leprosy, speech impairment, learning disabilities etc. Girls with disabilities are provided with special attention to help them gain access to secondary education, information and guidance for their developing potential. Moreover, the scheme envisages to set up model inclusive schools in every state.

Aims & Objectives of education maharashtra or

The Centrally Sponsored IEDSS Scheme aims to:

* Enable all students with disabilities completing eight years of elementary schooling an opportunity to complete four years of secondary schooling (classes IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment

* Provide educational opportunities and facilities to students with disabilities in the general education system at the secondary level (classes IX to XII).

* Support the training of general school teachers to meet the needs of children with disabilities at the secondary level.

The objectives of the scheme will be to ensure that:

* Every child with disability will be identified at the secondary level and his educational need assessed.

* Every student in need of aids and appliances, assistive devices, will be provided the same

* All architectural barriers in schools are removed so that students with disability have access to classrooms, laboratories, libraries and toilets in the school.

* Each student with disability will be supplied learning material as per his/ her requirement

* All general school teachers at the secondary level will be provided basic training to teach students with disabilities within a period of three to five years.

* Students with disabilities will have access to support services like the appointment of special educators, establishment of resource rooms in every block.

* Model schools are set up in every state to develop good replicable practices in inclusive education.

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